Intermountain Heating & Air Conditioning

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Getting Your HVAC System Ready for Fall: The Leaves Will Soon Be Falling!

Picture this: The leaves will soon be falling, and while it might still be warm outside, it's time to start visualizing the cozy autumn days ahead. Your HVAC system has been working hard all summer, and it deserves a little fall preparation. So, let's dive into some tips with a sprinkle of humor to get your HVAC system ready for the season!

  1. Clean Those Gutters - and Check for Vines! Just like you, your HVAC system dislikes surprises. Clear your gutters of fallen leaves and check for any pesky vines creeping near your outdoor unit. You wouldn't want your HVAC to turn into a secret garden, now would you?

  2. Change the Air Filters A clean filter is a happy filter! Changing your HVAC system's air filters not only helps maintain air quality but also keeps your system running efficiently. Plus, it's like giving your HVAC a little spa day!

  3. Seal the Cracks and Gaps You don't want your warm air to escape like a squirrel on a mission to find acorns. Seal any cracks or gaps in your doors and windows to keep the cozy indoors in and the chilly outdoors out.

  4. Inspect the Thermostat Give your thermostat a little attention. Make sure it's programmed for the cooler temperatures and that it's working correctly. If it's acting a bit temperamental, it might be time to consider an upgrade.

  5. Trim Those Trees Trees are lovely, but they can cause havoc if their branches start flirting with your outdoor unit. Trim those branches to keep your HVAC system from getting tangled up in a tree love affair.

Now, here's the fun part: if all these tasks sound like a daunting leaf pile, fear not! We've got your back. It's time to get on our list for Fall Precision Maintenance! Our team will ensure your HVAC system is in tip-top shape for the upcoming season, so you can enjoy your pumpkin spice lattes in comfort.

Give us a call at Intermountain Heating & Air Conditioning and let's make sure your HVAC system doesn't "fall" behind this autumn. After all, a well-maintained HVAC system is a happy HVAC system, and a happy HVAC system means a happy you! 🍂🍁